Hey y’all!
It’s that time… the time of year we take a moment to appreciate all of the amazing things the mamas in our lives do for us: Mother’s Day! Whether you are a mom and want to send some ideas to your partner ;) honoring your mom or mother figure in your life, or treating yourself to something nice (as you should!!) we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite goodies to celebrate that special someone.
Moms of all kinds make the world go round. Here’s to you and all that you do!
xx Bonnie
1// artwork - Chelsea Fly 2// resurrection hand lotion - Aesop 3// pottery - Good Kind Work 4// shell dish - Jayson Home 5// lumbar pillow - Frida Faxen 6// whisk broom - Jayson Home 7// name ring - Jane Pope 8// The Montessori Toddler - Black Pearl Books 9// dress - Doen via Net-A-Porter